Considering who created this title, I was expecting something more. Perhaps an over-the-top bear blastathon with some fun to boot. What I got was a game that feels and looks unfinished/unbalanced. Why does the screen shake each time I press the fire button, even if the gun is not firing? Why do damage claw marks appear intermittently when you restart a game, or while just playing it when there are no bears nearby? Why do you suddenly die from an inescapable bear mauling at random (sometimes seconds after starting a game), when there is no bears/traps/whatever nearby. Why do bears disappear and reappear while running for you? (I know why, but why were these things not addressed before releasing this title? Makes me wonder what your credited QA was looking for).
The zombie mode is fine and I can actually kinda play the game in this mode (I could not get past a random mauling in the first level in normal bear mode). But, what is this game? A zombie game or a bear game? Why can I not switch back to bears enemies without restarting a new game? What is up with the linear design? It totally takes away the point of having various long range weapons when you have to race to the cabin and enemies spawn almost too close for the sniper rifle and such. There is no point to strategize in this hunt or "bear survival horror".
Right now I gotta say its not beary good. Please balance this out. Put some polish on it. Define weather you are making a zombie game or a bear game and concentrate on making that part of it shine. Make it feel like a hunt and give the player an adventure. Let the player strategize to get past actual obstacles like land features, traps and bears and not a run for the cabin "its comn right for ya" approach. Hey, Im all down for a its comn for ya experience with a dose of insanity, but this in its current form just does not work. It’s almost as painful as stepping into a bear trap.
I like the idea. I like the direction…the rest needs refinement.
Master Koga about 3D Hunting Grizzly! Assault